This site contains some of my thoughts on cogeneration and heat pumps (basically amplifying the 1998 to 1999 Engineering and Bidding that I led), my prototype Hybrid-Electric Vehicle, and some of the work of my students as I taught them Electronics and Computers at the School of Science and Engineering of the Ateneo de Manila University.
ENJOY your visit here!!!
- my GIFT to People
- myYouTube
- Affordable BRAILLE
- My Hybrid-Electric Vehicle
- Enjoying Technology
- My Academics Page
- People Are Process
- Human Resource
- Energy-Efficient Salt-Making
- New Energy
- My Gratitude Page
- HEAVY Rain Forecasting
- Wave Energy Converter
- Beyond Cogeneration
- Improving Engine Fuel Grams/kWh
- TristanRobot
- Business Strategies
- Smiles
- About ME
- More . . .